After flying from Hawaii to New York and spending a couple days with family in the Northeast, Fabian and I flew in to St. Lucia for 10 days to see Dad and Anna Marie.
Upon landing at the St. Lucia Airport, we set out to find a taxi to get to Rodney Bay Marina, where Dad, Anna Marie, and S/V Rita Kathryn were. It was an interesting experience and we made good timing to Rodney Bay even with our many stops.
It was independence day in St. Lucia and our taxi guy introduced us to his local friends where we had a couple Pitons (local beer) and listened to some music. When we arrived in Rodney Bay it seemed surreal, as if I were dreaming. Seeing my father’s face light up when he spotted us is a feeling I couldn’t predict nor explain with words. I was with my family in a magical place and could not wait to see what the next 10 days had in store for us.
Rodney Bay Marina – We stayed in this beautiful marina for the first couple of days so we could get adjusted to living on a boat, which is so incredibly cool. The generator for the boat had also recently broken, so we had to make do. It was day 2, and I thought back to a previous blog post that was titled “I live in a Marina,” and now Fabian and I were getting a taste of this life as well.
We ventured out in the dinghy to go food shopping, where my father had a local discount card (it is not easy to get one, and quite official) because he is very much a local now. Anna Marie and I went shopping and bought a couple matching dresses, and I was so excited to wear them to dinner that evening. After shopping and stopping back to the boat, AM and I hopped in the dinghy and went back into town. I was naturally comfortable with AM motoring the dinghy and not having the boys with us, but after a lil rocky of a start, we cruised right over to the town dinghy dock, tied up, and headed over to the spa with our boat bags in hand to get massages. What a treat this was, and AM was stoked to have discovered this cool place for future spa treatments. It was getting dark and we successfully dinghied back to the RK, where we changed into our new dresses, met up with the boys, and headed to dinner at my father’s favorite eatery at Rodney Bay Marina, The Bread Basket. We enjoyed phenomenal food and good drinks with great company, and it was clear that my father and AM had built genuine relationships with the local staff over time. This whole experience was still surreal, but we were starting to really adjust and were excited for our adventures outside of RB.
The next day, we motored over and anchored next to Pigeon Island. We hiked Pigeon Island and then enjoyed drinks after at this cool restaurant. So stoked that Fabian, Dad, and Anna Marie were getting along so well.
Later this evening we went back to the restaurant and enjoyed great food and some more drinks. After dinner, Fabian ate dessert (of course) and we listened to live music that was pretty special. Dad and AM danced to the last song and we were all loving life. Fabian and I decided to check out a wedding that was partying, and on the walk back I got chased by a bat – so my walk turned into a run, but all was good. The bats were frequent visitors in the evenings, but AM and I got used to them, sorta.
Marigot Bay – We sailed to this incredible area, which was my favorite place, perhaps because this is where I was able to let vacation mode really set in. Fabian and I were in paradise with my incredible parents, getting a taste of living the dream.
Soon after getting tied up to the mooring ball, we were greeted by a local guy who sold us some fruit and cut up a coconut for us. This gentleman is also who gave Fabian a street name, “Baby,” which Fabian rocked proudly the rest of the vacation and also brought it back to Hawaii.
As usual, we enjoyed great local food and “foo foo” drinks. We were able to use the amazing resort amenities as well, where we swam in the pools to cool off and we had good conversations with some local resort staff.
Fabian and I ventured out to try and find some local stores outside of the resort area. We thought we could walk up the steep hill for about a mile and get to the stores, so we attempted that 3 times. Yes, 3 times walking half way up the hill and back down because different people were giving us different information. It began to rain so we decided to get a cab and head to “town.” It was not much of a town, quite rural but a very cool experience and Fabian got his beloved Piton Beer.
AM and I did Yoga one morning waterfront and under this amazing wooden structure, it was picture perfect. Dad treated us to probably the best brunch I’ve ever had with water views and luxurious ambiance. Not only were the water views amazing, but we also got to look out at a massive Berkshire Hathaway Yacht that had a helicopter on it.
Our last night in Marigot Bay, was also Dad and AM’s 6th consecutive month anniversary being on the boat. Cheers!
We went to dinner at this place that AM and Dad had previously been and they were fans of. Although it was no longer the RainForest Café and there had been changes to the restaurant that AM and Dad previously experienced, we were pleasantly surprised by the new ownership and good food. We had lobster, ribs, pizza and wine – and it was pretty reasonably priced. Hassy’s had a different vibe from the other restaurants in the bay, a bit more tranquil and romantic. The pictures don’t do it justice.
Sugar Beach – I only took a quarter of Dramamine for this sail and I did not get sick, and so I was not as drowsy for this sail. Sailing on the Amel was quite smooth and a heck of a lot of fun. Dad and AM make a really impressive team. We were moored in between both of the Pitons and the water was clear and breathe taking!
The snorkeling was incredible here and after we enjoyed some drinks on the beach, made by this local guy named Blaze.
We had good Pu Pu’s (appetizers) on the boat, and Fabian enjoyed Brie for the first time (he usually dislikes cheese). I went fishing off the boat and caught a red grouper, which I believe is the first fish to be caught on the boat! And Fabian caught the reef:/
While Fabian and I fished, AM went SUPing and Dad went snorkeling. Then Fabian and I went exploring in the dinghy and anchored in a spot we thought would make for good snorkeling. It turned out to be the most impressive snorkeling that we have ever experienced! After a lot of time in the ocean and in the Sugar Beach Resort Pool, we headed back to the RK, got cleaned up and enjoyed a mellow dinner on the RK that Anna Marie and Dad so generously prepared.
The next day, Fabian and I got to meet the infamous King Nigel, and we spent the day with The King who brought us too some natural springs, nature hikes, and the volcano where we enjoyed a mud bath!
Fabian wore his bright red boxers in the mud and hot water so his shorts didn’t get wet which gave us a good laugh. I’ve never felt so dirty and so clean at the same time! The mud made my skin feel so smooth and refreshed. King Nigel was a great tour guide, and it was nice to meet him in person especially knowing that my father and him are so close. He calls my father “Mr. Paul” or “The Mayor” (street name) and has great respect for him.
We went back to the RK after our fun-filled adventurous day and got cleaned up before heading back out to Soufriere for dinner and drinks with King Nigel. The King set up a water taxi and picked us up to start adventure part 2 of the day.
We bar-hopped and enjoyed many drinks with locals and ate some local fish, we even ran into Blaze who we met on the beach the day before. Dad and AM danced with some local girls, and we all had a great end to a memorable day/evening.
Labiore – We took a short sail once the weather cleared up to Labiore which is a small local fishing village and anchored here.
It is not the easiest to navigate because of the reef and shallow water, but Captain Paul and Admiral AM were successful in keeping the RK and all aboard safe. This town was non-touristy and the locals were very nice and inviting.
We bought some local fish to have for dinner that AM prepared perfectly.
Fabian and I did some exploring via the dinghy and tried to find Dad and AM a conch shell for the boat. Dad learned from a local fisherman how to blow into the shell to make the horn sound earlier that day, so we set out to try and find him one.
We did not have luck finding one in the water, but we did meet a local gentleman who sold us one, and we were thankful to have a departing gift to give AM and Dad. I had a such a great time with my parents, and they are the most incredible and important people in the world to me, so I was a bit emotional knowing that I was going to be leaving them so soon. Dad’s close friend, Michael, said to him one time when they were saying goodbye, “if it doesn’t hurt, then it wasn’t good,” and that precisely sums out how I was feeling. I had many tears. It was soon time for King Nigel to bring us to the airport. Who would have thought we would be so sad to go back to Hawaii? It brought me comfort knowing that my Father was happy. He has always done so much for his 6 children, and continues to do so, but it is now the time where he can be free and live his dream.
I am so grateful to have experienced this amazing sailing vacation with the people I love. I am so proud of my father for being able to live out his dream the way he had planned, and so happy that he has an incredibly beautiful partner to share it with. If you get the chance to meet Paul and Anna Marie, simply put – you should. They are both incredibly passionate, talented, genuine, humble, generous, beautiful people that I am so very happy for.
Mahalo (Thank you) to Captain Paul and Admiral Anna Marie for this amazing vacation and honorary guest post.
Much Love & Aloha,
Kristin & Fabian
I am enjoying reading this blog. Half way thru Fabian’s Narrative.
What a great post and yes, your dad and Anna Marie are great people!
Fletcher, Thank you! I hear you have had great times with my Dad and Anna Marie, and I meet you and your family one day.
Happy Sailing!