
Anna Marie, Daniel, his friend Jason, and myself reluctantly left Tobago Cays for Carriacou as we would have liked to spend more time there.  We had a very pleasant and easy sail for the short 15 nm jaunt down to Hillsbourough, where we checked into Grenada (Carriacou, is part of Grenada and is just a few miles north of the main island).

Motoring into Hillsborough

After checking in, we sailed a couple miles over to Tyrrel Bay.  Our guidebook and some other resources had raved about this anchorage, but we found it not to be so special.  It was really pretty, but the water quality was less than inviting (most likely due to the large number cruisers making this a long term anchorage).  We got our anchor down and enjoyed sunset.

These don’t get old

That evening we were greeted by a local (Popo), who was looking to sell some wine and oysters.  The oysters grow on the roots of the mangroves in a sheltered area on the east coast of the bay.  The guidebook indicated that harvesting them is not allowed and not to purchase any from those offering, so we just tried a bottle of wine.

The following morning, while I was putzing around in the engine room, we were visited by another gentleman – Simon.  He tried to sell Anna Marie some wine but also offered a tour of the island.  Anna Marie got his number, and we decided we would take him up on his offer.

We took the dinghy into the main dock and called Simon.  He said he could take us around 1400 (2:00 PM) so we decided we would walk around a bit and try to find somewhere for lunch.

Don’t want any health code violations

Free internet under the poisonous Manchineel tree

Beautiful flowers

Where is this restaurant? I am baking in this heat!

Here we go

The Lazy Turtle

Anna Marie and I had the lion fish which was amazing.  Dan and Jason had the tiger shrimp pasta.  The food was really good, but I thought it a bit pricey compared to some of the other places we have eaten at on this trip.

After lunch, Simon was waiting for us on the road.  He was driving a very, very tired Suzuki SUV.  I thought my feet were going to go through the floorboards in the back seat, but we ran with it.

Our tour guide Simon

The main island of Grenada is off in the distance

Ruins from old sugar mill

Simon drove us up to the Princess Royal Hospital (formally Belleview which means beautiful view).  We really weren’t sure if the vehicle was going to make it up some of the hills.  The engine was overheating and old oil deposits on the engine were generating smoke that was coming into the cabin.  Daniel later complained about feeling ill from the smell.  At many of the stops we made, Simon would add water to the radiator.

View from the hospital

Old British cannon

The green islets of Sandy Island, Mabouya, Jackadam and Sisters in the background

Boat building in Carriacou has been a tradition for quite some time.  The area is primarily known for the Carriacou Sloop – a thin, sturdy, yet light and fast vessel used many years ago for smuggling.  Simon brought us to two areas where boats were currently under construction.

Off we go

This fishing boat build started about 7 months ago

Much of the frame and ribbing is hand carved

This old steel vessel may one day be a new island if the vegetation continues to grow

The next building site he took us to was a most ambitious project.  I don’t remember the gentleman’s name, but he started the project about two and a half years ago.  He is in the process of building a sixty-five foot power sailing cargo ship in the hopes of hauling goods between the BVI’s and Trinidad.

This way

One man is building this vessel

The man with his back to the camera is the builder

Note the tools in the photo and his nephew helper

Hand carved ribbing and framing

View from the stern

Daniel admiring the craftsmanship

His version of crowd sourcing

Future boat builder

After leaving this site, we headed to the supermarket for some supplies and a vegetable stand for some produce.  Then it was back to the boat to make dinner, enjoy a sweet sunset, and prepare for an early morning departure down to Dragon Bay near the southern tip of Grenada.

Jason enjoying the view

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